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Klezmer Music: From Old World to New World & Our World


Cantor Porzecanski's Class with Special Guest,  Robert L. Cohen
Robert L. Cohen, folk and Jewish music historian, returns to bring us three wonderful lectures on Thursdays Oct 31, Nov 7 and Nov 14. 

Class #2, NOV. 7, 2024 from 7-8:30pm (BHS's Library):
Klezmer Music: From Old World to New World & Our World
“Klezmer music” was the instrumental music that traditionally accompanied Jewish weddings in Eastern Europe — and that immigrated to this country, along with the musicians who performed it, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and has been further Americanized, enlarged with a Yiddish vocal repertoire, since the 1970s. We’ll discuss classical and contemporary klezmer instruments and repertoire, and listen to klezmer music — from rare European recordings to the stars of early-20th-century American klezmer and the new traditions being created in the klezmer revival today.


Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784