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Yom Kippur Break Fast

High Holy Days 2019/5780

Please fill out this form no later than October 2, 2019.

We will again share the Day of Atonement with prayer, remembrance, forgiveness, and fasting. And, once again, we will end our fast in a Communal Break Fast following the concluding Yom Kippur services on Wednesday, October 9. We will share our meal in Hillis Hall at Plymouth Church. We offer a light catered Break Fast meal at a cost of:

Synagogue Members: $15/adult and $10/seniors and children
Non-Members: $20/adult and $15/seniors and children

Payment is required with this form. If you are inspired to make a dairy, vegetarian, or parve dish to share with the community, please do so!

We look forward to breaking our fast with you. 

Advance registration is essential to us being well-prepared for all. Refunds will not be provided. 

The cost of processing credit card payments reduces the effectiveness of each transaction. If you wish to pay with a credit card, we invite you to strengthen your support by covering the voluntary credit card processing fee, which is 2.5% of your total charge amount. Alternatively, if you pay with an e-check, the synagogue is charged nothing extra. Break Fast reservations can also be purchased with cash or check in the main office.

Make Your Reservation

Wed, May 1 2024 23 Nisan 5784