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2025 Sapphire Celebration Journal Ad

BHS LIFE: Celebrating 65 Years

We are creating a special journal magazine to commemorate 65 years of life at Brooklyn Heights Synagogue. Place an ad in this journal to share your sentiments and cherished experiences – or honor someone else’s – from your time at BHS! Whether a longtime member, a preschool and/or religious school family, a local business or partner, house of worship, or community organization, your ad is a great opportunity to support the synagogue and share your presence with the community. This special journal will be distributed at the gala. 

Thank you in advance for your support, which is so important to our everyday operations. 

Simply review the options and purchase and submit the content of your ad (see details below), and we will design it for you. Please submit your ad by Monday, April 7. 

Ad Size Options:
  • Quarter Page ($250) – includes text (no pictures) up to 75 words
  • Half Page ($500) – includes up to one image; text up to 150 words
  • Full Page ($1000) – includes up to two images; text up to 250 words
Ad Content Options:
  • Milestone or your favorite memory at BHS Provide an anecdote of a milestone or memory at BHS, such as a B’Mitzvah, wedding, new baby, or a certain year, class, volunteer project, etc.
  • Congratulatory or Gratitude MessageProvide a message of congratulations or gratitude. For example: “The Cohen Family—In gratitude for 30 years of blessings at Brooklyn Heights Synagogue.”
  • In memory/In honor of Create a segment in memory or in honor of someone meaningful to you.
  • Preschool/Religious School Share your child’s experience in Preschool or Religious School. An entire class can pool together to share a tribute to teachers and their educational experiences—and/or you can share your child’s artwork or a snapshot of their growth in the classroom as an individual submission.
  • Business Ads Share an ad of your business or offer a congratulatory message to BHS for our 65th anniversary.

Please enter your information: 

Select your ad size and type below:
Ad Size
*For those purchasing an ad, please select your ad size from the first three check-box options.

*For sponsors of the gala who have an ad included with their sponsorship, please select your ad size from the last three check-boxes.


Ad Type

Submit the content for your ad:
Enter text below.*

*Please make sure that your word limit does not exceed the number of words for the ad size that you have purchased.
Upload photo(s) below you'd like to include in your ad, if applicable.* Note that images should be digital (or clearly scanned) and high resolution.

*Please name your file(s) using your first and last name, (or business name) and the ad size (half/full), and add numbers if you're submitting two images for a full ad. For example, "Dave Smith_Full_1" & "Dave Smith_Full_2"

- no photos for a quarter page
- one photo for half page (optional)
- one or two photos for full page (optional)

Please do not submit fully designed ads; all ads will be created in-house. We ask that you attach any photos (or logos) in this form—please do not e-mail them or ad contents to the office separately. Thank you!

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785